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Become a Sponsor for
Oregon Honey (& Mead!) Festival,
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Welcome to the 2024 Cascade Girl Oregon Honey and Mead Festival benefitting our Bee Heroes America Veteran program, guide to mindful beekeeping, our school Bees in the Classroom program and, of course the BEES who provide us so much joy!
The Oregon Honey Festival began in 2014 to provide public education about agricultural pollinators and their impact on our food system. Over the years we featured local beekeepers, mead makers and artisan crafters as well as internationally known speakers such as Amina Harris, Director of the UC Davis Honey and Pollination Center and Dr. Dewey Caron, Professor Emeritus at OSU and educators from Glory Bee. We have been honored to host cultural presentations by Marla Bullbear, director of the Lakota Youth program and the youth themselves who represented their culture and approach to beekeeping. We have also featured artists such as Meesha Goldberg whose artwork illustrates the intersection between bees, beekeepers, Korean culture and magic.
Cascade Girl Organization is a 501(c)3 nonprofit the mission of which is to educate people about food system pollinators of the Cascade region and their impact on planetary survival via science, culture and the arts. The Festival is a fundraiser for the Cascade Girl Organization's programs for kids and for veterans.
We welcome sponsors at various levels to make this a delightful experience for attendees. The Festival features several bands, pollinator art, activities for kids and adults, mead and honey tasting and scientific presentations especially for those interested in bees and ethnobotany, hosted in the beautiful atmosphere of Edenvale Winery located in the rolling hills of Medford just outside of Phoenix, Oregon. The site is only minutes from the Medford Airport and only a few miles away from Southern Oregon University and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
Cascade Girl is a 501(c)3 under the IRS guidelines. We offer sponsorship at the following levels for sponsors whose missions and ethics dovetail with ours.
Click on the level appropriate for you and be sure to leave a note on the donation site with your organizational name if you would like to be listed!
Pollinator Lover: 0 - 250
Pollinator lovers do things like planting flowers, establishing bee pasture and leaving the leaves. We can't do without these folks!
1. Mention in Program and website
Worker Bee: 251-500
Worker Bees are responsible for most of what goes on in a hive!:
1. Mention in Program
2. Company Logo on the 2024 Staff T Shirt
Drone Bee: 501 - 1000
Drone bees carry exact replicas of the Queen's genetics!:
1. Mention in Program
2. Company Name on the 2024 Staff T Shirt
3. A Honey tasting provided to your Company
Nurse Bee: 1001 - 2000
Nurse bees take care of the babies and are responsible for the next generation!:
1. Mention in Program
2. Name on our 2024 Staff T Shirt
3. Your Company Designee hosts and announces Mead Crowd Favorites.
4. A Honey Tasting provided to your Company
Guard Bee: 2001-3000.
guard bees are FIERCE and protect the hive from intruders:
1.Mention in Program
2. Name on our 2024 Staff T Shirt
3. Your Company Designee Hosts the Honey Tasting Panel and awards Prizes!
4. Honey Tasting or Hive Tour provided to your Company
Queen Bee: 3001-4000.
The QUEEN lays ALL the eggs and her pheromones reassure the hive that "mom is in the house"!:
1. Mention in Radio Ad and Program
2. Company Logo on our 2024 Staff T Shirt
3. A jar of Oregon Honey.
4. Bottle of Mead
5. Your Company Logo is printed on a kids' game handed out to all children
Hive Sponsor: 4001 - 5000.
The HIVE is a SUPERORGANISM composed of all those bees doing their collective jobs!:
1. Mention in Radio Ad and in Program
2. Company Logo on 2024 StaffT Shirt
3. Front and Center Placement at the Pollination Station
4. Your logo on a kids' game handed out to all children
5. Your Company becomes the Host of the Scientific Lecture with one of our special speakers (TBA)
The Whole Darn Apiary: 5001 and up
The Apiary is composed of Thousands of Hives and these Bees may be responsible for pollinating a whole crop.
1. Mention in Program and on Radio Ads
2. Company Logo on tasting glasses
3. Mead and Cheese with one of our Special Speakers
We look forward to welcoming you to our HIVE!
Some former OHF educators:
Dr. Andony Melathopoulos
Oregon Bee Project
Marla Bullbear,
Lakota YouthDevelopment
Marie Simmons
James Beard Award winning author

Dewey Caron,
Author and Scientist. Professor Emeritus, University of Delaware

Lilly Weichberger
Oran Mōr Artisan Mead

Bonnie Morse
Founder of Bee Audacious

We reserve the right to determine sponsorship based upon fit with our organizational missions
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